Tuesday, March 22, 2011

To churp or tweet? or BOTH?

About 1 year ago, when I'm still working as an interior designer, I tend to surf the web a lot. (Well, mostly blog hopping.. so time will pass faster~  ^^") Anyway, I stumbled upon a few blogs that blog about ChurpChurp.

Ok, I know it is not something new now. It's been going on for sometime and I'm quite outdated really since I just join ChurpChurp recently. ^^

And I'm already loving it.

So, hoping that someone out there that read my blog that still does not know about ChurpChurp, I've decided to blog about it.

ChurpChurp is for active Twitter-er and Facebook-er. As long as you tweet about you get a snatch by thief to you have just eaten a chocolate biscuit, or, you prefer to update your Facebook status every 2 seconds, you HAVE to be a Churp-er!

ChurpChurp allows you to blog, tweet, update and earn money! Just tweets or update your status with interesting promotion going on, you would be rewarded. Aren't that simple? No more racking your brains. No more sweating your palms. Just do what you like to do everyday, tweet!

Besides, what's more rewarding (beside money) than sharing interesting promo with your love ones? You wouldn't want your friends or family to miss out on these exciting events don't you? Now you get to share and be rewarded (with RM) at the same time. Happy?

So, think no more. Going to ChurpChurp website and find out more! You would be surprise.

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