My 1st ever bouquet of tulips given by my family! So beautiful.
I just can't seem to take enough pictures of it.. By now, I guess I almost have more than 20 pix just the flowers + me.. haha..Thanks sooo much to my family!
Now.. guess this..! It's another graduation present given by my aunt.
It's a lovely glass block with sand blasting image of the graduation robe, hat & certificate! Thanks soo muchy!
A potrait of me! In one world hotel. Freshie Graduate! wohohoo
My lovely lovely lovely family. Daddee Mumee & Broee..Thanks for supporting me!
My college buddies! Besties! Closeties! Whatever u name it. We are the group of flowers.. haha.. shall miss u guys..hope we will still be taking this group pictures after 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and soo on years!
Neigbours. Schoolmate. Collegemate. But not soulmate ya.. haha.. The closest friend I have in this 6 years. I know U know me more than I N U know. Muaks~
The 1st class honour holder + Student of the year~ So glam to take pix wif him.. He's now in UK. wohoho.. Less gather when u r back. Haha..
Collegemates. Cool bunch of people. Will miss the time we spent doing projects. Grumbling together. Gossiping. Muttering curse. Laughing. Giggling. Crying. Good Luck everyone!
We finally get our cert! Just a very very simple print out cert without even a golden frame.. haha.. guess we've been putting our hope high to have a SUPER nice looking cert. To tell the truth.. the cert look bare and 'beh'..haha. Howeverm it's still the result of our 4 years spent.
Holding the cert mean a lot to us. Having spend 90% of our time in coursework, not to mention sweating alot..hurting our body.. cutting ourselves.. feeding stupid mosquitoes.. critized by lecturers.. giddy eyes.. blah blah blah..
This is what I do when I reach home. GARAbbing my Lucky and SMILE!!